Home > Product > 01. ACS ACUPRESSURE INSTRUMENTS > ACS Acupressure Foot Roller - VII Cut Plastic
To get relief in pain. Relaxation and vitality. To improve blood circulation and digestive system. The new shape allows the inner side of the foot to get pressurized rolling your feet over it gives you instant relaxation from tension and tiredness.
The roller is a useful device which is used to stimulate the acupressure points located in the feet. By doing so, it is said to benefit various systems in the body such as, aiding blood circulation improving digestion, renewed energy and pain relief.
Cautions: Do not use roller on broken, sore or bruised skin. Avoid using extreme pressure. If in doubt seek medical advice before use.
• To get relief in pain.
• Relaxation and vitality.
• To improve blood circulation and digestive system.
Sit on a chair in a comfortable position and place roller on a stable floor. Roll your feet on it for about 5-10 minutes daily for best results. This enables to activate the pressure points located under the feet.
पैरों के तलवों में स्थित एक्युप्रेशर बिन्दुओं पर प्रेशर देने के लिए यह फुट रोलर चुम्बकीय शक्ति के साथ उत्तम उपकरण है। कुर्सी पर बैठकर दोनों पैर इसके ऊपर रखकर सुबह-शाम 5-10 मिनट तक चलाने से सम्पूर्ण शरीर स्वस्थ रहता है तथा रक्त का संचालन सामान्य रखता है। यह भिन्न आकार व रूप वाला आपकी पसन्द के अनुसार उपलब्ध हैं।